Posts Tagged ‘The Doors Project’

Reminder: Performance Tomorrow, Sunday at 2.52pm*! / Plus: Whether the Weather… Just in Case Plan
June 10, 2012
0% RAIN 100% ACTION-ADVENTURE Hello sailors, Utam, Regina and I are PUMPED to embark on The Doors Project’s maiden NYC adventure with you tomorrow at First Street Green. More details, below. The F train is running proudly and smoothly, with no scheduled interruptions; and yes, you read that headline right: tomorrow’s supposed to be SUNNY with blessed […]
2012 | News | Tags: Eryn Rosenthal, First Street Green Art Park, interaction with sculpture, interdisciplinary dance theater, New York City, Rebeca Medina, Regina Bain, Robert Sestok, site-specific performance, The Doors Project, Utam Moses

We Return with Sun: Inaugural Performance this Sunday at First Street Green!
June 8, 2012
APRIL SHOWERS BRING JUNE FLOWERS I am delighted to RE-invite you to Scylla and Charybdis, a chapter of The Doors Project (and our official NYC premiere). As some of you may know, we got rained out of our original Earth Day performance date. But now we rise from the ashes (or, perhaps, the umbrellas) to bring you the […]
2012 | News | Tags: Eryn Rosenthal, First Street Green Art Park, interaction with sculpture, interdisciplinary dance theater, New York City, Rebeca Medina, Regina Bain, Robert Sestok, site-specific performance, The Doors Project, Utam Moses

TIME AND SUBWAY CHANGES for Performance Tomorrow at First Street Green
April 21, 2012
Hi everyone, Rebeca, Regina and I are really excited to share what we’ve been working on with you. UPDATES: The performance will start at 2.30pm tomorrow, Sunday, and only DOWNTOWN F trains are stopping at the 2nd Av. F station. Corrected information, below. Bring your umbrella, and hope we won’t need it! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! xo […]
2012 | News | Tags: Eryn Rosenthal, First Street Green Art Park, interaction with sculpture, interdisciplinary dance theater, New York City, Rebeca Medina, Regina Bain, Robert Sestok, site-specific performance, The Doors Project

Inaugural Performance this Sunday at First Street Green!
April 19, 2012
Hooray! I am delighted to invite you to Scylla and Charybdis, a chapter of The Doors Project (and our official NYC premiere). The Doors Project has been invited to literally open the doors of First Street Green Art Park, where the BMW Guggenheim Lab was last autumn. Scylla and Charybdis will mark the first in a […]
2012 | News | Tags: Eryn Rosenthal, First Street Green Art Park, interaction with sculpture, interdisciplinary dance theater, New York City, Rebeca Medina, Regina Bain, Robert Sestok, site-specific performance, The Doors Project

Deepest thanks, and best wishes for a fabulous 2012!
January 2, 2012
THANK YOU!! YOU MADE THIS HAPPEN!!! Dearest friends and supporters, Every New Years on the Iberian peninsula, as this clock you see pictured strikes twelve, Spaniards gulp one grape per clock strike and then promptly call their moms, if not already celebrating with them. I’d like to “call out” each one of you for helping […]
2012 | News | Tags: architecture, Beatriz Velasco, Cecilia Ruiloba, doorframe, doorframe on wheels, Eryn Rosenthal, Iker Canales, Jesús Escobar, Joan Taipo-San, José Jerónimo Sánchez, José Luís Cano Blanco, La Puerta del Sol, La Tabacalera, Lavapiés, Loreto Ares, Miguel “Melo” Quintana, Natalia Sánchez-Ton I Normand, The Doors Project, Tú Aquí

Empujamos juntos el marco de la puerta cuesta arriba hacia La Puerta del Sol!
October 14, 2011
Hola compañeros, chulapos, campesinos, y campeones, ¡Feliz mani mañana, sábado! Nos juntamos el domingo en Madrid con una acción lúdica para celebrarlo– Empujaremos el famoso marco de la puerta cuesta arriba hacia La Puerta del Sol. 17h30 Partimos de La Tabacalera c/Embajadores, junto a la Glorieta de Embajadores Metro: Embajadores Si quieres, ven más pronto […]
2011 | News | Tags: arquitectura, Barcelona, doorframe on wheels, El Proyecto de Puertas, Festival Lilliput, La Tabacalera, Madrid, marco de una puerta sobre ruedas, The Doors Project, Tú Aquí
October 13, 2011
ESTA NOCHE 19h ESTRENAMOS PORTAS/ EL PROYECTO DE PUERTAS DENTRO DEL FESTIVAL LILLIPUT EN BARCELONA! ¡VENID! DETALLES: Portas/ El Proyecto de Puertas Carrer Bonsuccés, 12 jue 13, vie 14, sab 15 de oct: 19 h Metro: Plaza de Catalunya concepción y dirección: Eryn Rosenthal movimiento: Paolo Cingolani y Eryn Rosenthal voz: Sergio Herrero ***LUEGO, SOLO ESTA NOCHE: A LAS 19H30, SALDREMOS PARA […]
2011 | News | Tags: Barcelona, Marta Martinez de Aragon, Paolo Cingolani, performance, press, Proyecto de Puertas, Sergio Herrero, The Doors Project

Kickstarter writes about us on their blog!
August 12, 2011
Holy moly Elisabeth at Kickstarter just wrote this beautiful article about The Doors Project. Check it out! Eryn Rosenthal’s The Doors Project: A Public Performance in the Doorways of Madrid The Doors Project by Eryn Rosenthal The Doors Project is a series of site-specific performances in doorways around the world as envisioned by multidisciplinary performer […]
2011 | News | Tags: article, fundraising, kickstarter, Madrid, press, public art, site-specific, The Doors Project

The Doors Project on Kickstarter
August 9, 2011
PROJECT SUMMARY I’m Eryn, a Brooklyn-based choreographer/ playwright. I’m raising money to launch The Doors Project, a series of site-specific mini-performances in different doorways around the world. WHY DOORWAYS? Doors are places where we meet the world; they’re also spaces of transition. So they’re very rich places to craft and set a story, and examine […]