We Return with Sun: Inaugural Performance this Sunday at First Street Green!

June 8, 2012


I am delighted to RE-invite you to Scylla and Charybdis, a chapter of The Doors Project (and our official NYC premiere). As some of you may know, we got rained out of our original Earth Day performance date. But now we rise from the ashes (or, perhaps, the umbrellas) to bring you the improved, the undrenchable Scylla and Charybdis: the first in a series of free, interactive, site-specific performances at First Street Green, with continued adventures planned for later in the season.

More details below. Hope to see you there!
xo Eryn

Scylla and Charybdis

a chapter of The Doors Project
Sunday, June 10, 2.52pm*
First Street Green Art Park, 33 East 1st Street (between 1st and 2nd Avs.)
Meet at the First Street entrance from 2.40pm; performance starts at 2.52pm*
Subway: closest to the 2nd Avenue stop on the F train (take the 2nd Avenue exit); also nearby are the D, F, M, and 6 trains at Broadway Lafayette.

Yes, Scylla and Charybdis are those two sea monsters between which Odysseus had to navigate to get back home. Trials and tribulations. Between a rock and a hard place.
Doorkeepers to an action-adventure packed journey; nods to Kafka, the gates we contemplate a very long time. A journey; the beginning of an adventure. Three performers, four large plants, shadows of heroic diagonals, a mast of a statue by artist Bob Sestok, graffiti, wrought-iron gate, and other spatially-specific interventions.

We hope you’ll join us on this, our maiden adventure.
Scylla and Charybdis marks the first chapter of a series of short performances in and around First Street Green Art Park. It also forms part of The Doors Project, a series of performances in doorways around the world, which premiered in Barcelona and Madrid, Spain in October 2011.

This performance was originally set to start at 3pm, April 22, but attracted the April wrath of Poseidon, god of torrential downpours on Earth Day (i.e. we got rained out). There were then several shadows that formed part of our “set,” derivations of which now occur about 8 minutes earlier in the space; Helios willing, we’d like to share them with you on Sunday, June 10, at 2.52pm.

Concept, direction and text: Eryn Rosenthal
Creation: Eryn Rosenthal, Rebecca Medina, and Utam Moses
Movement: Eryn Rosenthal and Utam Moses
Voice: Regina Bain
Costumes: Isabel Río
Music: Hot Math, by Andrew Bird
Production and graphic design: Silva Ajemian
Production intern: Breanna Gibson

About The Doors Project

With The Doors Project, I’ve been taking performance investigations based on observations of transition—political, familial, economic, intimate—and locating them in doorways, thresholds, and other transitory spaces around the world. Thanks to 108 generous backers on kickstarter.com, the series premiered this fall in Spain, and has taken several different forms so far:site-specific performances in doorways, archways, kiosks and stairwells throughout central Barcelona as part of Festival Lilliput; an animated short with visual artist Marta Azparren and Elliott Cooper; as well as a life-size doorframe on wheels—complete with floating door-handle—that my team and I pushed uphill to La Puerta del Sol, the site of massive protests at the center of Madrid that deeply inspired the Occupy Wall Street movement in the U.S. I am honored to be premiering The Doors Project in New York at First Street Green, where Scylla and Charybdis marks the first in our series of site-specific, interactive performances. We hope you’ll join us at more continued adventures this season; please stay tuned and be in touch.

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