(You Here)

pushing the doorframe through Lavapies

Pictured above: The life-sized doorframe on wheels my collaborators and I pushed through Madrid.
From left: Loreto Ares, Miguel “Melo” Quintana, Joan Taipo-San, Eryn Rosenthal, and José Luís Cano Blanco.
Also thanks to: Cristhian Salazar, Cecilia Ruiloba, José Jerónimo, Beatriz Velasco, Natalia Sánchez-Ton i Normand, and Jesús Escobar.
Photo by Cecilia Ruiloba.

Tu Aqui and Puerta del Sol clock tower

We unfurled this “Tú Aquí” sign as we arrived in La Puerta del Sol, Madrid, whose iconic clocktower you see framed in our doorway (photo by José Jerónimo Sánchez).


Tú Aquí: Adventures through a Doorframe

Uphill to La Puerta del Sol–an action-filled love letter to the 15-M protest movement
Street action and audience participation experiment, after a long series of protest marches.
From La Tabacalera to La Puerta del Sol, Madrid, Oct. 2011.

A chapter of The Doors Project.

Concept and direction: Eryn Rosenthal
Doorframe design: Bea Velasco
With architects, artists, and political activists Cecilia Ruiloba, Natalia Sánchez-Ton i Normand, José Jerónimo, Bea Velasco, José Luís Calvo,  Joan Taipo-San, Cristhian Salazar, Jesús Escobar, Loreto Ares, Miguel “Melo” Quintana, and many other fun, open-minded citizens of Madrid, Spain.
Produced with the support of La Tabacalera Cultural Center and 108 backers on Kickstarter.com




The Doors Project headlined Festival Lilliput in Barcelona, where it received widespread press coverage. The project was also recommended by Kickstarter, and featured on their blog in an article by Elisabeth Holm. Find more on Portas, a chapter of The Doors Project commissioned by Festival Lilliput in Barcelona, HERE.

Thank you to each of my backers on kickstarter.com; your generous support helped bring this project to life.



The doorframe on wheels evolves from a wacky idea to the woodshop



The doorframe on wheels + friends embark on an epic journey uphill to La Puerta del Sol…



…And back again to La Tabacalera.



About The Doors Project

With The Doors Project, I’ve been taking performance investigations based on observations of transition—political, familial, economic, intimate—and locating them in doorways, thresholds, and other transitory spaces around the world. The series premiered in Spain, and has taken several different forms so far: site-specific performances in doorways, archways, kiosks and stairwells throughout central Barcelona as part of Festival Lilliput; an animated short with visual artist Marta Azparren and Elliott Cooper; as well as a life-size doorframe on wheels—complete with floating door-handle—that my collaborators and I pushed uphill to La Puerta del Sol, in honor of the 15-M protest movement. (photos, press coverage, and more information available through the links above). The Doors Project has literally opened the doors of First Street Green Art Park in New York City, and in 2022 breaks ground on a different type of doorway: the horizon.


© Eryn Rosenthal, 2011. Please share wide and far (non-commercial purposes only). Include artists’ names in your credits (Eryn Rosenthal + whoever appears in the picture), and a link to this page.

Tú Aquí | 2011 | Projects | Media: