Sedimento video
Sedimento: ensayos de cuerpo y memoria
(Sediment: Studies in Movement and Memory)
Extract from work in process showing, July 29, 2023
Sala Santo Domingo #16, Valparaíso, Chile
David Legue, Eryn Rosenthal y Cristóbal Racordon
Paula Aguirre, Diego Clark Rojas, David Legue, Cristóbal Racordon, Eryn Rosenthal, Lukax Santana, and Josefa Torres Cifuentes
Lukax Santana
Esta historia es tan redonda
Como es redonda la tierra
Y por eso para verla
Redondo ha de ser el ojo.
–Chilean painter Roberto Matta
This story is so round
Round as around as the Earth
So round that in order to see it
The eye must be round again, too
translation by Eryn Rosenthal